GST Help desk along with awareness programme on Professional Tax (PT) and GST latest amendments followed by Presentation on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software on 27.4.2023 at KASSIA
GST Help desk along with awareness programme on Professional Tax (PT) and GST latest amendments followed by Presentation on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software on 27.4.2023 at KASSIA
Fifth meeting of GST Help desk along with awareness programme on Professional Tax (PT) and GST latest amendments followed by Presentation on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software on 27.4.2023 at KASSIA
KASSIA/2023/ 11th April 2023
The President/Secretary
All Affiliated Associations
Dear Members,
Sub: Fifth meeting of GST Help desk along with awareness programme on Professional Tax (PT) and GST latest amendments followed by Presentation on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software on 27.4.2023 at KASSIA- reg
We wish to inform you that KASSIA is organizing the Fifth meeting of GST Help desk along with awareness programme on Professional Tax (PT) and GST latest amendments followed by Presentation on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software on Thursday, 27th April 2023 at 3.30 pm in KASSIA Board Room.
M/s. A R Infomatrix private Limited will provide the demonstration on the New Tally Prime GST-ready Software with all the features right from GST Billing to GST Returns with Error Detections & Correction mechanism, generating e invoicing and many more to educate our members to update the same for ease of doing business.
The Joint Commissioner –Commercial taxes and other officials from the department will be attending the meeting to address the grievances / issues pertaining to the VAT & GST.
In this regard, we earnestly request the members to forward theirgrievances if any in advance to reach KASSIA on or before24th April 2023 by 5.00 pm, to enable us to compile the same and submit to the Joint Commissioner.
Kindly attend the meeting personally to convey your grievance to the Joint Commissioner and get clarification directly. We also request the members to send their concerned staff in the accounts and related departments who handle the subject to the meeting to make use of the facility.
We request you to kindly disseminate this information among your members.
For further clarifications / queries, feel free to contact our Subcommittee Chairman, GST & Direct Tax,Sri. T.S. Umashankar – M- 9448271145.
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