Dear Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Inviting online applications for the National MSME Awards-2023-reg.
We have received communication from the O/o.The DC(MSME), Govt. of India informing that the Ministry of MSME confers National Awards annually to the selected entrepreneurs of MSMEs under the Scheme of “Natonal MSME Awards” in order to recognize the efforts and contribution of MSMEs. These awards were instituted in 1983 and are given MSMEs for their contribution in various categories of Awards.
The online applications may be submitted by MSMEs at
The last date of submission online application is 10-5-2023.
In case of any query, you may contact the following;
Sri Vivek Shandilya
Team Leader (NIC)
Sri Rajesh Kumar
Asst. Director (National Award)
Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India
Nirman Bhavan,
New –Delhi- 110 108.
We are enclosing herewith the guidelines for National MSME Award Scheme for your reference.
This is for your kind information.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Letter to Associations (1)
Approved Modified Guidelines for National MSME Award 13 04 2023
Inviting online applications for the National MSME Awards-2023
Start Time
12:00 am
May 10, 2023
Finish Time
12:00 am
May 10, 2023